
Grad Transitions


Grad Transitions is a 4 credit course required for graduation.

The workshop for Grad Transitions takes place on February 28th.

Students with last names A to L attend the morning session 8:30 – 11:20 and last names M to Z attend the afternoon session from 12:15 to 3:05. Both sessions start with the whole group in the MPR and are then broken down into smaller groups.

If you miss the workshop the information and documents needed to complete Grad Transitions are listed below.


Grad Transitions

There are 5 Components to Grad Transitions; all 5 must be completed to receive credit for the course.

  1. Transition Plan (must be handed in electronically)
  2. Wellness Plan (hand in electronically or hard copy)
  3. Resume – prepare an up-to-date Resume (hand in electronically or hard copy)
  4. Work Experience 30 Hours – provide proof of 30 hours of paid or volunteer work experience. Proof may include payslips, letters from organizations you completed volunteer work with, note from Mr Ouellet indicating you have received credit for Work Experience 12A, T4/T3 slips. (hand in electronically or hard copy)
  5. Interview – will take place during your LINK class on April 26th (make sure you are there)


Hand-In Options

  1. Electronically
    1. Save the document as follows:  Last name First name Name of Document
        1. Ex:  Smith Bill Transition Plan       Smith Bill Wellness Plan              ​Smith Bill Resume               Smith Bill Work Experience
    2. Hand in a copy of the document to the Grad Transitions folder
      1. On a Ballenas computer follow the path – Student Share folder– Grad Transitions 2017 folder– Hand In folder -then open the appropriate folder and paste the document into it
  2. Hardcopy
    1. You can hand in a printed copy of your documents to the Grad Transitions Hand In box located in the main office. Make sure your full name, first and last is on all documents you hand in. Note you must hand in the Transition Plan electronically.


Due Date

  • March 10th – all documents must be handed in on or before March 10th.


Interview – will happen in your LINK class on April 26th.​

Grad Transitions Wellness Plan.docxGrad Transition Plan 2017.docx