Nanoose Bay Elementary
Qualicum School District
News Archive

April 17, 2020 - A Message to Parents from Superintendent Keven Elder

April 17, 2020
Continuity of Learning Let me start with warm greetings and sincere appreciation to our parents, families and students for your patience and support as we have found our way into the current reality of learning from home.  We had promised a full set of learning opportunities and supports by April 15,...

Community Resources for Families in School District 69

March 30, 2020
​As we return from Spring Break and in-school learning has been suspended, it is important to understand the community resources available for families.  Attached are two summary documents that show some of the supports that are available inside our communities but outside the school system. OCEANSIDE COMMUNITY LIST OF SERVICE AGENCIES LOCAL...

UPDATED May 8 - FAQ from Ministry of Education

March 26, 2020
Click here for the latest  FAQ on Continuity of Learning from the Ministry