News Item

PAC Christmas Store

November 15, 2022

The EOES Christmas store will be happening December 5 

The EOES Christmas Store is an annual event where PAC gathers donations from our community and sets up a shop in the multi-purpose room for the kids to come and purchase gifts for their families. Everything is priced from .25c up to $3 so that everyone can participate in the holiday spirit of gift giving. The PAC volunteers offer wrapping service for grades k – 5, and supply the grade 6 and 7's with enough wrapping to do that back in their classes. All the money raised from the Christmas store goes back into our school community to help families over the winter break.

PAC is looking for gently used or new items that would be suitable for children to purchase for their families. Have some giftable housewares, toys, stuffies, games, tools, jewelry, or accessories, they'll take it! The only thing PAC does not accept is clothing.

There will be donation bins located in the foyer just inside the front doors for the kids to drop things off. PAC will accept donations until December 2.

Any questions can be directed to