Qualicum School District

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Always growing
Grandissons ensemble

Acceptable Use Guidelines


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Acceptable Use Guidelines

Students' Google Apps for Education use is intended to aid in the educational process and facilitate the instruction of digital, and online-based skills in order to better equip them for the working world. As a District-managed and support tool, the use of the Google Apps for Education tools falls under the Qualicum School District's Policy (Board Policy 501). 

Additionally, the Qualicum School District has created an additional set of 'Acceptable Use Guidelines' that outlines the specific types of information that can be created or shared within the SD69 GAFE platform. These Acceptable Use Guidelines will be shared widely with staff and students.  These will form the basis for professional in-servicing for those teachers using SD69 GAFE with their students.  It will also include training materials specifically for students. 

The purpose of GAFE is for educational use.  The tools are intended to assist staff in better meeting students learning needs and prepare them for a digital world. Inappropriate use of the SD69 GAFE will be subject to the Acceptable Guidelines set out by the Qualicum School District.

Qualicum School District wishes to thank the Yukon, Delta, Maple Ridge, Greater Victoria and other school  districts for their collaboration and support in assisting with the completion of Privacy Impact Assessment and supporting documents.