Qualicum School District

Yath cisum
Always growing
Grandissons ensemble


Qualicum School District resides on Coast Salish Territory and within the shared territory of the Snaw'naw'as and Qualicum First Nations.​


Indigenous Education Newsletters

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                        June Newsletter​                                     April/May Newsletter                                    March Newsletter                                                                                          


Qualicum School District's Indigenous Education Program enriches the educational opportunities for all students. The focus of our program is to enhance each Indigenous student's​​ understanding of their heritage, their sense of belonging, and the personal belief that they can be successful in BC's public education system. Our program is intended to embrace all students, school staffs, and community members so that we can all gain further understanding, sensitivity, and respect for Coastal People, their teachings and for each other.​

Truth and Reconciliation

The Indigenous Education department for Qualicum School District ​is committed to ongoing Truth and Reconciliation.  By bringing Indigenous history, language and culture to the forefront of our services we can en​hance a sense of belonging for our families and students.  Working together with all families and staff is a priority for our department.  We are guided by the quote by Justice Murray Sinclair "Education is what got us here and education is what will get us out."

​Artist:  ​Jessie Recalma​​​

Indigenous Education


There are 544 Indigenous Students attending Qualicum School District schools this year. Our students come from the two bands in our local area (Snaw'naw'as and Qualicum First Nation) as well as from many different nations from all across Turtle Island including Metis, Tsimshian, Ojibwa, Nuu-chah-nulth, Cree, Dene, Inuit.


7 Indigenous Liaison Workers, 1 Hul'qami'num Language Instructor, 1 District Teacher, 1 District Principal, 1 Child and Youth Care Worker and  1 Learning Support Teacher, all of whom have Indigenous ancestry, work in the Qualicum School District Indigenous Education Program. 

Indigenous Education Program

  • Monthly Staff meetings
  • Monthly Indigenous Advisory Committee Meetings
  • Monthly meetings with Indigenous Liaison Staff and School Based Administrators
  • Year-long Indigenous cultural programs in schools
  • School Based projects
  • Community events
  • Indigenous history, language and cultural resource people – Indigenous program staff coordinate bringing in guest presenters into the schools
  • Community Agencies – Liaise with Ministry of Children and families, AFS, FRA, etc.

Counselling and Family Support

  • Family Counselling Referrals (Aboriginal Youth and Mental Health – Kwamut Lelum)
  • Individual student counselling
  • Referrals to community agencies
  • Home visits
  • Medical appointments – if the family doesn't have transportation – Indigenous Education program staff will help by providing support and a ride
  • Home/School Liaison support
  • Year End Celebration

Academic Support

  • One to one direct support to students needing extra academic support – student/teacher initiated.
  • In classroom support
  • Set up tutoring – after school hours for students who need/require additional academic support initiated by parents/teachers. Qualified Teachers/retired teachers are hired on a contract basis to provide this service
  • Academic monitoring – report cards and discussions with classroom teachers
  • Post-secondary scholarship applications for grade 12 students. Setting up meetings with University/College recruits to liaise with high school students
  • Delivering work between home and school – due to illness or suspensions

Cultural Programs

  • ​Indigenous Cultural Teachings in schools – a celebration of First Nations, Metis and Inuit History, language and Culture presented to students in Elementary and Secondary schools.
  • Individual student cultural program delivered by Home School Liaison staff in assigned schools
  • Classroom cultural presentations either by the Home School Liaison worker or an Indigenous Cultural Resource person
  • District Staff Cultural Awareness – CUPE and MATA Pro-D
  • Hul'qami'num Language Program in 1 school.

School Spotlight

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The students wrote on the t-shirts what they have learned about Truth and Reconciliation.


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