Qualicum School District

Yath cisum
Always growing
Grandissons ensemble

Privacy and Personal Information


Google Workspace for Education.PNG

Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA)

What is “personal information”? Why is this important? FIPPA defines personal information as "recorded information about an identifiable individual".  It is important to understand what personal information is because FIPPA sets out requirements about protecting, storing and accessing it.

Google will offer their services to those who are confirmed as students of Qualicum School District.  As per the Google Apps for Education Terms of Service, this data is owned directly by the Qualicum School District, whose administrative resources (outside of the above mentioned special circumstances) have control over the data in Google Apps for Education.  Participating students will have signed informed consent forms acknowledging that their personal information will be disclosed, stored and accessed outside of Canada.  Qualicum School District will not share any student information with Google for the purpose of student account creation for any students where consent has not been obtained.  

Parent and Student Consent Process

Qualicum School District will facilitate the consent-gathering by sending home a letter of intent for every student. The consent forms meet the criteria set out in the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Regulation.  All students (Grade K - 12) and their parents are required to agree and adhere to the following:  

  • Agree to Google’s GWFE  terms​ of service found at http://www.google.com/a/help/intl/en/users/terms.html  
  • All school communication will use this new email account (email accounts are not gmail accounts, but accounts managed and hosted by the Qualicum School District).
  • Student GWFE accounts are to be used for educational purposes.

Once this process is complete, student accounts will be activated.  The following Google Apps for Education services will be provided:

Students (Grade K-7)

Students (Grades 8-12)

Email account (Walled Garden)
Google Drive (unlimited storage)
Google Docs (online word processor, spreadsheets, presentation, surveys, drawings)Google Docs (online word processor, spreadsheets, presentation, surveys, drawings)
Default for Docs is private to the user.Default for the Docs is private to the user.
Docs can only be shared with other SD 69 Domain Users.Docs can only be shared with other SD 69 Domain Users.
Additional filtering and flagging in Docs for inappropriate content.
Additional filtering and flagging in Docs for inappropriate content.
Google Calendar
Google Calendar
​Google Meet
​Google Meet


The use of student information for GWFE is subject to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FIPPA).  

Qualicum School District has carefully reviewed the use of Google Workspace for Education.   If you would like more information on how Google protects the privacy and information of its users please click the link: https://www.google.com/edu/trust/.  

For more information on the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act please click the link:  https://www2.gov.bc.ca/gov/content/governments/services-for-government/policies-procedures/foippa-manual

Please click on the link to view the school districts Privacy Impact Assessement.pdf in its entirety.  

Qualicum School District wishes to thank the Yukon, Delta, Maple Ridge, Greater Victoria and other school districts for their collaboration and support in assisting with the completion of Privacy Impact Assessment and supporting documents.   


