Lost & Found
A Lost & Found box is located in the main foyer. Students are notified of periodic “Lost & Found cleanouts” and have several weeks to look for lost items before they are donated to charity. Large sums of money or valuables should not be brought to school. Valuables should be locked in lockers when students are in PE classes.
It is not mandatory that students use a school locker, however those who want to rent a locker and a lock may do so for a $5 fee. All lockers MUST use a school supplied lock. Grade 8, 9 & 10 students may be required to share a locker with a partner. Students are responsible for the condition of the locker and should return their lock to the office at the end of the school year for a $2 refund.
School Locker Use
The Board believes that school officials must be able to respond quickly and effectively to problems that arise in schools in order to protect students and to provide the orderly atmosphere required for learning. A student locker search may be undertaken if there are reasonable grounds to believe that a school rule has been or is being violated and that evidence of the violation will be found in the student’s locker.
Textbook & Student Activity Fees
A textbook fee of $50 will be charged to each student upon enrolment at Ballenas. This account must be maintained at $50, but will be returned to the student when he/she leaves the school, providing there are no outstanding textbooks. A Student Activity fee of $10 is charged to students to help defray the costs of student events held throughout the school year. This fee will entitle students to a school ID card which will be necessary for checking textbooks in and out.
Textbooks are issued during the first week of each semester. Textbooks are on loan to students and it is expected that students will handle them with due care. A fee will be charged for the replacement of textbooks that have been lost or damaged beyond normal wear and tear. At the end of the semester, immediately after the exam has been written, students are expected to return their textbooks to the library.
Video Security
Students, parents and staff should be aware that Ballenas Secondary makes use of a video security system. This system is in use to ensure the safety of students and staff, as well as, the security of school district property.