Code of Conduct


Student Rights and Responsibilities

It is the personal responsibility of each student at Ballenas Secondary School to be aware of, to support, and to abide by the School Code of Conduct and applicable Qualicum School District policies.

These rights and responsibilities apply to all students while under the jurisdiction of the school. This includes student behaviour at school, while on school activities and when traveling to and from school. Students who contravene the Code of Conduct will be subject to a program of progressive discipline, which seeks to clarify expectations, provide support for behavioural change, and assign appropriate and timely consequences for breaches of school rules and/or district policies.

General Rights and Responsibilities

  • Each student and teacher has the right to be treated, at all times, with dignity and in a respectful manner.
  • Each student has the right, unless removed following due process, to attend classes and participate in a full range of class and non-class activities.
  • Each student has the responsibility to attend classes regularly and to be punctual.
  • Each student has the responsibility to behave in a manner which does not distract, disrupt, offend or endanger self/others or cause damage to school property or equipment.


The teachers at Ballenas believe that every student is able to be a successful learner. In order to bring about this success, each teacher develops an appropriate learning climate according to his or her subject, discipline and teaching practices. 

To view our school's full Code of Conduct please click here: 2024-2025 Code of Conduct.pdf

District Policies

Students must also abide by all District Policies, including

  • Safe, Caring, and Inclusive School Communities (700)
  • Student Discipline (701)
  • Acceptable Use of Technology (501)

Detailed information on all district policies can be found here.

School Policies


Suspensions are issued when students fail to respond to other disciplinary measures, or when more severe consequences are warranted and it becomes necessary to temporarily remove a student from the school. Parents will be notified of any suspensions.

While the administration has the authority to suspend for up to five days, the length of the suspension depends upon the circumstances. For more serious offences, students may be suspended to the school board (over 5 days). Students will be required to meet with the District Student Review Committee to determine a return to school or an alternate plan. Students are not to be on the school grounds, nor can they participate in any school-sponsored activities during the period of their suspension. Suspended students are responsible for keeping up with all schoolwork while suspended and must meet with the Principal or Vice-Principal prior to their return to classes. Students under suspension during assessment periods will be provided with arrangements to write assessments.

Smoking & Vaping

Provincial Government Legislation dictates that smoking or the use of vapour products are not permitted in schools or on school property.  Administrative procedure to ensure that all school district facilities, vehicles and grounds are smoke free and vapour product free, without exception, in compliance with the Tobacco Control Act of British Columbia. Ballenas students are not permitted to smoke or vape within one block of the school. Any student smoking or using vapour products on school property will be considered in breach of Legislation and Board Policy.    

Dress Code

The School District Policy 700, refers to Safe, Inclusive, and Caring School Communities. Dress guidelines are intended to incorporate individual choice; however, these are tempered by a responsibility to recognize that Ballenas is a learning and working environment, in which there is an expectation of reasonableness and appropriateness. Clothing should be comfortable and allow a student to participate safely in activities such as physical education, science experiments and/or shop projects. Clothing should demonstrate a respect for the school community. Articles of clothing that promote alcohol or drugs, which display offensive language or images, or encourage sexism, racism or bigotry, are not acceptable at Ballenas. Clothing bearing direct or indirect messages or graphics referring to gang culture, sex or pornography, weapons or violence will not be permitted.

Students who are found to be outside of these guidelines will be warned, asked to cover-up or change clothing. Repeat offences will put students on a progressive discipline track with escalating consequences. 


Perfumed products can cause allergic reactions and respiratory distress in some people. For that reason, we ask that you do not wear any perfumed personal products.

Computer Use

Students are expected to abide by the Board policy 501 - Acceptable use of Technology -  when using school computers.  Students may have their network privileges removed for breaches of this policy. Serious infractions will be handled in the context of this school's progressive discipline model.

