We asked our group of high school students to tell us what they wish someone would have told them as they were starting high school.
“Get each semester off to a good start. I have this habit of not working very hard at the beginning of the semester, and then I have to work like crazy to bring my marks up. This semester, I got off to a good start in all of my classes. My marks are a lot better, and I’m not all stressed out about having to bring my marks up.” - Tamika
“Don’t get caught up in the social scene and don’t worry about being part of the “in” crowd. Choose friends who have similar interests and who you can be yourself with.”
- Courtney
“Get involved. I’ve had a lot more fun during my last two years because I’ve gotten involved in activities. I wish I would have been more involved earlier.”
- Jamal
“Choose your courses carefully and don’t wait until your last year to think about what you’re going to do after you graduate.”
- Antonio
“Think about the consequences of what you’re doing. In Grade 10, I got caught drinking a beer during soccer season and I wasn’t allowed to practice or play for two weeks. I felt like I let my team down, and it killed me to just watch the games and not be able to play.”
- John
“Don’t be afraid to ask for help if you need it. I’m not very good at math, and last year I struggled the whole year. This year I have a tutor and I’m doing a lot better.”
- J.D.
“Don’t wish your high school years away, it goes really fast. Enjoy it.”
- Tony