Qualicum School District

Yath cisum
Always growing
Grandissons ensemble

Committees of the Whole


​​​​​​PLEASE NOTE:  Committee of the Whole meetings will be held via video-conferencing until further notice.  If you wish to participate in a video-conference call for any of the committee meetings, the link can be found on the respective agenda.

Mandate of the Education Committee of the Whole:  To discuss and make recommendations to the board on the general directions for education in the district, and to serve as a vehicle for regular reports to the board on educational programs and services. Meetings are held on the third Monday (or Tuesday) of most months from September to June.  No meetings are held in December or March.

Mandate of the Finance & Operations Committee of the Whole:  To discuss and make recommendations to the board on financial matters and matters pertaining to facilities, maintenance, technology and transportation. Meetings are held on the third Monday (or Tuesday) of most months from September to June.  No meetings are held in December or March.

Mandate of the Policy Committee of the Whole:  To discuss and make Recommendations to the Board on all matters related to Policy and By-laws. Meetings are held on the third Monday (or Tuesday) of most months from September to June.  No meetings are held in December or March.

Membership of the committees of the whole will consist of all five trustees and members of the executive leadership staff as topics require.  By invitation, one representative from each of school-based administration, the Mount Arrowsmith Teachers' Association (MATA), CUPE Local 3570, and the District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) would serve on the committee in an advisory capacity.  

Please check the agendas for meeting times and locations as they may change each month. NOTE: These meetings will not be recorded.

District Committees & Chairs

Committee Chair/Delegates
Appeals ​All Trustees
​Audit Committee
​All Trustees
BCPVPA (​QDPVPA) Negotiations Julie Austin
​CUPE Negotiations Committee
Elaine Young
Alternate:  Eve Flynn
​Curriculum Implementation Advisory Committee Elaine Young
​District Health & Safety Committee Carol Kellogg
Alternate:  Eve Flynn
​District Scholarship Committee ​TBD yearly
​Education Committee of the Whole ​All Trustees (Chair - Elaine Young)
​Finance & Operations Committee of the Whole ​All Trustees (Chair - Carol Kellogg)
​French Language Advisory Committee Eve Flynn
Alternate:  Elaine Young
​Long Service/Retirement Committee
Carol Kellogg/Eve Flynn
​MATA Grievances Barry Kurland
Alternate:  Carol Kellogg
​MATA Negotiations Committee/Mid-Contract Modifications Julie Austin
Alternate:  Barry Kurland
​Policy Committee of the Whole
​All Trustees (Chair - Eve Flynn)

Board Committee & Representative Appointments - External

Committee Chair/Delegates
Early Years Table
Elaine Young
Alternate:  Julie Austin
BCSTA Provincial Council 
Eve Flynn
Alternate:  Carol Kellogg
BCPSEA Representative Council Barry Kurland
Alternate:  Julie Austin
Early Learning Child Care Council of Oceanside
Julie Austin
​Oceanside Health & Wellness Network
​Elaine Young