Qualicum School District

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Industry Training Authority (ITA)
Welcome to the Industry Training Authority.   This is the comprehensive resource for all industry training programs in British Columbia.  This site is a useful source of information for current apprentices and their employers, as well as for those considering apprenticeship for their career or workforce development needs.  It also contains information for parents, post-secondary and K-12 educators, the media and others.

Discover Trades BC (DTBC)
Discover Trades BC is an initiative to provide easy access for secondary students to the many educational opportunities available to them in trades training. BC offers a wealth of programs & training options to give BC students the skills they need to lead exciting and rewarding careers. Students, parents and educators can discover these opportunities here.

ITA Essential Skills assessment
This website was created to help people prepare for success in the first two levels of technical training during their apprenticeship.  It focuses on Essential Skills, which are the foundation skills like reading, math and document use.  Each trade requires Essential Skills, but to different degrees.  For example, both carpenters and bakers use math, but carpenters need trigonometry and bakers do not.  The assessment can be challenging.  So are the trades.  This assessment will give you a realistic look at the skills you need for the job.  It even uses examples and forms that you would find at work.

The Career Centre
Looking for a job?  The Career Centre is a multi-service, non-profit agency working to assist residents in the Parksville/Qualicum Beach area with their job search and career development needs.  Local job opportunities are posted on this site.

BC Chamber of Commerce
This website is a valuable tool for job seekers and students looking to connect with employers in BC.  There are links to over 100 Chamber of Commerce’s and Boards of Trade throughout BC with links on many of them to potential employers.

Career  Cruising
Career Cruising is an online information tool that can be used for all ages.  Career Cruising was created to help youth find, analyze and evaluate careers.  Career Cruising is a tool that students can use to help make educated and informed career decisions.  Tools available include matchmaker quiz, earnings, admission requirements, post-secondary institutions, programs, portfolios, job information, US Schools, apprenticeship.  Get your password and username from your school career counselor and start planning your future today!  Have fun surfing...

WorkSafeBC is dedicated to promoting workplace health and safety for the workers and employers of this province.  We consult with and educate employers and workers and monitor compliance with the Occupational Health and Safety Regulation.  In the event of work-related injuries or diseases, WorkSafeBC works with the affected parties to provide return-to-work rehabilitation, compensation, health care benefits, and a range of other services.

Education Planner
Education Planner is an educational planning resource that is available to the public free of charge. Its primary purpose is to provide clear, reliable and detailed information about post-secondary programs available in BC. Using Education Planner can help learners make well-informed decisions about their education and career options.

Trades Training BC
Welcome to TradesTrainingBC.ca.  Here you can learn about BC’s Public Post-Secondary Apprenticeship and Foundation Trades Training programs and view schedules offered by the 16 member institutions.  And, you can search for where and when programs are offered in the province by using our handy map tool.  Once you have selected your program, registration can be completed at each institution’s website.

Skills Canada
Skills Canada BC provides trades and technology career promotion supported by business, government and labour to meet the needs of BC’s growing and diverse economy.  Vision Statement: To be recognized as the premier organization advancing trades and technologies as valued career opportunities.

Workapedia has been designed with the Career Practitioner in mind.   It was conceived of as a virtual meeting place for those delivering career assistance to the people of BC and beyond to help them stay connected on important issues and news that affects them in their day-to-day work.

It was also designed as a place where those same Career Practitioners’ clients, and those in the general public seeking advice about their careers, will be able to access key resources and a host of very relevant and useful links regarding the majority of career development activities required in this modern world of work.   In other words:  job postings, career development and Labour Market information, how to network, write resumes, succeed in interviews and grow careers once the job is achieved.

Work BC
What’s Key in Labour Market Information for BC is a catalogue of selected resources for British Columbia career practitioners, young people and adult job seekers.  This website is designed to steer users toward an array of selected career, learning and labour market information (LMI) sources and tools, handpicked by knowledgeable practitioners.  Anyone who is looking for work, planning a career or deciding on an education path will find this information helpful for finding a sense of direction and getting started.

BC Work Futures
A guide to hundreds of B.C. careers and the education and training you need to pursue them.  This is a good general site to better understand day-to-day realities of the job being looked at.

British Columbia Council on Admissions & Transfers
The BC Council on Admissions and Transfer (BCCAT) oversees the BC Transfer System. BCCAT facilitates admission, articulation, and transfer arrangements among BC post-secondary institutions for the benefit of students. It also manages resources such as BCTransferGuide.ca and EducationPlanner.ca to assist students in their education planning.

The Skilled Trades Employment Program (STEP)
Want a trade’s job?  Consider STEP.  The STEP Network has grown to include employment programs that serve all Canadian residents wanting a career in any of the Over 90 Industry Training Authority recognized trades.  STEP is successful because of the way it works with people and industry; with direct access to employers across the province.  Our Trade Employment Specialists are able to connect skilled workers with companies and businesses in need of those skills.