Qualicum School District

Yath cisum
Always growing
Grandissons ensemble

Message from the Board of Education
​​​​Board Pic.jpg

Welcome to Qualicum School District
From Bowser to Nanoose Bay, Errington to French Creek and Parksville to Qualicum Beach we are a family of schools both urban and rural that offer a wide variety of educational experiences for your children.

Your Board of Education, School and District Staff invite all parents to participate in their child's education. We value and will continue to support the vital role you as parents play in the success of your child's school years. We hope that you will participate in the many and varied activities that go on in our schools. We strive to offer choice and alternatives for all students and families.

For 2019-2023, the district's three strategic priorities, and their critical components, are:

  • Strategic Priority 1 - Student-Centered Learning (Learner Focused)
    • Student choice in their learning
    • Student choice in their assessment methods
    • Student voice in the design of learning
    • Indigenous understandings at the forefront
    • Recognition of and support for unique needs
    • Flexible and responsive structures and programs
    • Varied and differentiated learning environments
    • Multiple pathways to success for learners
    • Inter-disciplinary approaches to teaching and learning
    • Co-curricular (complementary) learning opportunities
    • Technology as an embedded component of learning
  • Strategic Priority 2 - ​Quality Teaching and Leadership
    • Learner-focused instruction and support
    • Multiple points of entry to learning for students
    • Differentiated instruction
    • Competency-based focus for teaching and learning
    • Commitment to the new curriculum
    • Improved assessment and evaluation practices
    • Continuous communication of student learning
    • Instruction oriented to "next steps" in learning
    • Support for experiential learning experiences
    • Commitment to self-reflection as part of learning
    • Use of technology as a support for learning
    • Collaboration with colleagues
  • Strategic Priority 3 - Social/Emotional Learning
    • All learners "bringing themselves fully" to learning
    • Use of a trauma-informed lens in service to children
    • Focus on belonging, inclusion and connection
    • Commitment to health and well-being of all
    • Focus on supports for self-regulation of learners
    • Support for learners developing resiliency
    • Taking a growth-oriented approach to all learning
    • Ensuring optimal supports for vulnerable learners
    • Accessing all available resources in our communities 
We also continue to work collaboratively with our business community and many local social services agencies providing additional support and opportunities for all children. 

The Qualicum School District Board of Education is beginning a new strategic planning process for the 2022-23 school year. Below are the new DRAFT Vision, Mission, and Value Statements that will guide the new process and inform future decision-making and direction:

Consultation with District Indigenous language specialists is required so that the District Vision Statement can be expressed in three languages:  English, French, and Hul'q'umi'num. The following is currently being considered: 
“Always growing" in English
"Toujours grandir" in French
“Yath c̓isum" in Hul'q'umi'num

The following DRAFT Mission statement was adapted from two sentences in the previous Mission statement:
“We embrace a spirit of curiosity and joy for learning that challenges everyone to become informed and confident designers of their own future."

The following DRAFT Value statements evolved from the previous iteration, but focus on five single words, each with its own simple clarifying phrase or set of key synonyms:

Dynamic - Effective, energetic, and active in our pursuit of learning
Connected - With everyone, including students, families, staff, and communities
Sustainable - Stewardship and care for our finances, the environment, and relationships
Equitable - Fairness, justice, honesty, integrity, dignity, and respect
Purposeful - Focused, efficient, and accountable in improving student outcomes​

Please take a moment to follow the website to all our schools and see the many unique opportunities we provide.

Board of Education
​Qualicum School District​​​​