Qualicum School District

Yath cisum
Always growing
Grandissons ensemble


​​​​​​Dual-Credit Head Start​


​​What is Dual-Credit & Head Start?

Why wait to graduate Grade 12:  High school students can work on dual-credit post-secondary courses or programs at a number of different institutions in BC.  Dual-credit courses transition students from secondary school to the workplace while earning both high school graduation and post-secondary credits and/or certifications.

Hea​d Start:  Students are enrolled as both post-secondary students and high school students as they participate in apprenticeship training and post-secondary courses, earning dual-credits that count towards both their high school diploma and their post-secondary diploma, degree or apprenticeship certification.

Who it's for:  Students who need learning opportunities outside of high school and who benefit from a college or apprenticeship experience.​

How Dual-Credit & Head Start Helps?​

Students have the opportunity to:

  • ​Gain experience that will help them with their post-secondary education or apprenticeship
  • Get a "head start" on learning and training for their future careers
  • Have post-secondary tuition fees waived while enrolled in high school
  • Earn high school course credits towards graduation
  • Earn post-secondary credits towards a diploma or certificate


​Entrance Requirements

Each program has its own specific academic entrance requirements, but in general students will need the following to be considered:

  • ​​Under 19 years of age as of June 30th, or
  • Enrolled in a current graduation program - see each program for specific courses.
  • Minimum marks as outlined by a Post-Secondary Institution.
  • Standard marks within the pre-requisite subject areas required for admission to the various trade and vocational programs at a Post-Secondary Institution as well as some academic university transfer courses.
  • A strong commitment to the chosen program as a long-term career choice.
  • Demonstrated maturity and group work skills.​
Registration for the program can be picked up at your school's Career Centre.