Qualicum School District

Yath cisum
Always growing
Grandissons ensemble

District Parent Advisory Council


To learn more about what a District Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) is, please visit the BCCPAC webpage - What is a dpac? https://bccpac.bc.ca/index.php/members/pac-dpac/what-is-a-dpac

The Bylaws and Constitution of the District Parents Advisory Council of the Qualicum School District state:


The purpose of the Council is to support, encourage and improve the quality of education and the well-being of the students in School District No. 69 (Qualicum). In order for DPAC #69 to successfully facilitate this purpose, DPAC commits to:

1)            Exchanging ideas and information among Parent Advisory Councils (PAC) within the School District.

2)            Providing information regarding educational and community matters to parents and PAC's.

3)            Providing a parental voice to education decision-making organizations affecting the School District.

4)            Promote programs and facilities offered within SD#69 to parents and students so they can access any and all supportive programs needed to achieve personal success and growth.

5)            Continue to provide leadership and support to Parent Advisory Councils (PAC's) at the individual school level within SD #69.

6)            To support parents who wish to advocate for their child within the school system.

7)            To develop strong two-way communication at the District level between PACs, the Board of Education and District administration.

8)            To provide meaningful input on educational issues and policies to the Board of Education, educational partners and the Ministry of Education as identified through District PACs.

9)            To maintain strong ties with BCCPAC as a resource for parents, a means of having a parent voice at the provincial level and to provide education for parents on issues involving schools and PACs.


1.            Voting membership of the District 69 Parent Advisory Council (DPAC) is composed of the Parent Advisory Councils (PAC's) for each school represented in our district.

2.            DPAC shall consist of up to two (2) elected DPAC Reps from each PAC within the District.  One DPAC Rep will be the designated voting member at each meeting.

3.            Representatives from our School Board Administration, School Administrators' Association, Teacher's Association, Support Staff, and community organizations with an interest in education shall be invited to attend meetings as a non-voting member of the DPAC.

4.            Parents and/or Guardians of children enrolled in School District No.69 are considered associate members through their individual school PAC's and may attend any DPAC General Meeting.  Parents may address the meeting at the discretion of the DPAC Chair.

5.            At no time shall the Council have more non-voting members than voting members (excluding associate members).

6.            Where a member has children at multiple schools, DPAC shall encourage each member to represent only one (1) PAC, representing that school's interests with that vote.  DPAC Reps would become the liaison between DPAC and their PAC.

7.            Names of the DPAC Reps shall be registered with DPAC in writing or by email by each School's PAC executive within a month of their elections.

8.            If necessary, alternate representatives may be appointed during the school year.  If voting privileges are to be maintained, names of alternate representatives shall be declared and verified in writing by email prior to any DPAC meeting.

9.            ​Board of Education Trustee representatives are welcome to attend meetings as ​non-voting members, and may present a report at the discretion of the Chair.​

DPAC Meetings

To be announced

For more information please contact the DPAC President, Ray Woroniak, at qsd.dpac@gmail.com

DPAC Members

Ray Woroniak
​Jessica Threlfall
Vice President
​Brenda Fischer

​Angel Delange

​Amanda Hastings

​​Michael Kilburn
​Andrea Button