Qualicum School District

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Always growing
Grandissons ensemble

Employment within School District 69


Employment within School District 69 (Qualicum)

How do I apply for a posting if I am not already a School District 69 (Qualicum) employee?

One cover letter and resume from qualified individuals for current vacant positions within School District 69 may be emailed to jobpostings@sd69.bc.ca. Please put the job posting number(s) in the subject line of the email and attach one cover letter and resume.    

Links for application forms for Teacher Teaching-on-Call may be found under Application Forms to the right. All information requested on the application form must be completed, and submitted with a covering letter and proof of all qualifications. 

How do I find out about career opportunities?

School District 69 posts positions available to external candidates on both the district's website and through Make a Future - Careers in BC Education (www.makeafuture.ca). Candidates may apply on-line through Make A Future - Careers in BC Education, or by emailing to jobpostings@sd69.bc.ca. The Make a Future - Careers in BC Education site is powered by applytoteach.com. Therefore, if you have an existing account with them, you can use your username and password to log onto www.makeafuture.ca. If not, you can create an account on Make a Future - Careers in BC Education by clicking 'Register'. Once you have an account, please sign up for the 'Job Alert' feature so you are emailed jobs that interest you.

Will I be contacted after submitting an application?

Only those candidates who have been short-listed for an interview will be contacted.

How long will my application be kept on file?

Applications from external candidates will be retained for the current year plus one year. Applications for Teachers Teaching on Call and spare lists will be retained for the current year plus one year.  Applications on file will be reviewed and short-listed periodically to address identified shortages to our spare or Teachers Teaching on Call lists. ​

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