Qualicum School District

Yath cisum
Always growing
Grandissons ensemble


Important Dates

PLEASE NOTE:  Our district will only be using the MyEdBC on-line registration process for in-coming kindergarten students.  Grades 1-12 registration must be arranged through the child's catchment school.

Primary Learning  Community Program Information Session - January 19, 2021 @ 6:30 PM. 

   Zoom link: https://sd69-bc-ca.zoom.us/j/3546156423

Primary Learning  Community Program Registration - January 25- February 5, 2021 - Applicants  submit the application form via email to:  pocapplication@sd69.bc.ca

New Student Registration September 2021

Dates and times for registration at specific sites will be updated in the spring.  

PASS/Woodwinds and Continuing Education Centre (CEC):  Applications for enrollment are accepted throughout the school year.

Collaborative Education Alternative Program (CEAP) - Distributed Learning:  For information regarding registration in our distance learning program, please contact CEAP at either ceap@sd69.bc.ca or 250-752-5628.

Cross Boundary: Parents of students wishing to attend a school outside of their catchment area are required to complete the appropriate "Application for Cross-boundary Enrollment" form available from schools or online from the Cross Boundary information page.

Home Education: Parents are reminded that all children aged 6 to 16 years who are being educated at home MUST be registered at a school on or before September 30.